Dozens of Mind-Melting Brush Effects Added

Very excited to announce the launch of a new update that adds TWENTY THREE brand new psychedelic visual effects to draw within Soundscape!!!!! These new geometric effects are more incredible and creative than ever before, they are some of the most mind-melting visuals you have ever seen – I have handcrafted each to morph and warp in front of your face as you paint them through the air around you. And of course, they are all fully music reactive! They are super easy to use too because they are all tied to the environmental effects button – now you can create insane effects both near and far at the same time with a single button press! Hope you enjoy!


Next Generation of Soundscape available for download today!

Soundscape set to unveil unreal engine 5 update at ces 2024

Wishlist Soundscape (2024) now on steam

Soundscape trailer drop is here!

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